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Marshall Lee
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Posts: 23

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Posted: Fri May 13, 2011

This thread can be used to ask any questions regarding rulings, play situations or anything which you were always wondering about but really didn't know who to ask.

You can also visit the RHFMSL and ORCRSL websites for previous questions which have been asked over the years.

Craig Hunter
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Posts: 3

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Posted: Mon May 30, 2011

Hi Marshall, during a game over the weekend there an infield fly rule dispute and I’d like clarification as to exactly what the rule is if possible. I’m sure you get this all the time!! My apologies if this is the 100th time you’ve been asked this question.

The situation: Runners are on 1st and 2nd, with no outs. A fly ball is hit to the very edge of the grass of the outfield. The 2nd basemen (calls for the catch) and settles under the ball. He proceeds to drop the ball and then throws to 2nd base where he records an out. The play ends.

It’s my understanding that the infield fly rule is called when runners are on 1st and 2nd base, OR 1st, 2nd and 3rd base with less then 2 outs. It’s also my understanding that the rule is applied when an infielder is able to make the catch with ordinary effort in the opinion of the umpire.

The umpire in this case, ruled no infield fly and when questioned proceeded to say that it wasn’t an infield fly because of where the ball would have landed (on the edge of the outfield grass) NOT because of extraordinary effort made by the 2nd basemen.

If the umpire is correct would the size of the infield not influence the rule? Thus teams playing on diamonds with larger infields would be more susceptible to the rule as opposed to those playing on smaller infields?

I’m just curious as to what the correct call is for future reference.
Thanks in advance
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 23

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Last Updated: Thu Jun 2, 2011

Hi Craig,

Regarding the infield fly rule, your understanding of it is bang on. Runners on at least 1st and 2nd with less than two outs. Fly ball hit in the infield and an infielder can make the catch with ordinary effort. The infield fly call should be made when the ball is at its highest point.

So where is the infield? As a rule of thumb and ONLY as a guideline, I would use the gravel / grass cut as the boundary. Yes, fields do vary as to where the cut is. Look at Ozark Park where the gravel extends way into the outfield. I would move my cut up by about 15 feet. The same goes for shorter cuts. You have to push the infield on to the grass. yes, I have called infield fly balls deep when the infielder has started at the back of the infield and steps back two or three steps to make the catch. This is very discretionary and will vary from ump to ump. That is why the call (or not) should be made as soon as the ball reaches the highest point so that both teams know what to do.

Now, let's look at your game situation. You state that no infield fly call was made. Ok, that's the umpire's decision. You also state that the second baseman dropped the ball. If he did so intentionally, then the 'intentional dropped fly ball' rule applies because there was a runner on at least 1st base. Time is called, the ball is dead and the batter is out. Protects the offense from a double play.

Hope this helps.

Craig Hunter
Team Admin
Posts: 3

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Posted: Mon Jun 6, 2011

Hi Marshall,

Thanks for the reply. I’m curious though… in this situation, I was 99.9% certain I was correct, but the umpire was very adamant about his understanding of the rule. I didn’t have a rule book with me (I do now) but, how do you recommend I approach this type of situation?

It’s clear, that the wrong call was made. But thinking back, even if I had had a rule book with me, I would have had to stop the game, run in from the outfield to the bench, get the rule book, find the rule, and then show the ump, in the hopes that he reverses the call. We’re talking about several minutes of delay… I’m sure the opposition wouldn’t be happy about this delay, nor would the umpire, especially given that he’s already determined that he’s made the correct call.

I’m just curious about how, in the future I can approach a situation like this to ensure the correct call is made. Obviously if action isn’t taken immediately the call will stand. Do captains or players have any recourse if they don’t have a rule book present? Is it acceptable for a captain or player to stop/delay the game as described above? As a general rule do umpires carry rule books with them?

The call had no bearing on the outcome of the game, but at the time of the call no one knew that.

Thanks Marshall
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 23

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Last Updated: Mon Jun 6, 2011

Hi Craig,

I actually spoke with the umpire in question on the weekend regarding the call. While I was not there to ascertain whether it was the right call or not, as I said it is umpire's discretion. I watched another game this weekend and saw the SS go about ten steps into the outfield. I personally would have not called an infield fly as this was way too deep. The umpire in the game did not either.

So the question about the rule book. There is only one answer. Bring a rule book onto the field and you will be ejected. Plain and simple. Whether the umpire is right or wrong, he/she is doing the best they can. The decision is final. A judgement call cannot be protested.

Remember that you will get a call that goes your way too. Are you going to argue it? I doubt it.


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