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Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Mon May 27, 2013

What's the call if a grounder is hit to the third baseman and the third baseman throw the ball over the first baseman's head and it hits the fence? Or if the throw goes out of play pass the fence?

Secondly, what's the cut off time for a new inning to begin?

Thirdly, what's the call if a defender catches the ball in foul territory and his momentum carries him pass the fence towards the parking lot?


Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Last Updated: Mon May 27, 2013

Hi Mike,

1) If the defender throws the ball over the first baseman's head and it hits the fence, then the ball is still live. There is no award of bases to the runners and they can advance at their own peril. If the ball is thrown and goes past the fence, it is now deemed out of play. Dead ball and the runners are awarded two bases at the time of the throw. Thus the batter will be awarded first and second base as he most likely had not reached first base at the time of the throw. If he has already attained first base at the time of throw, he would then be awarded second and third base. Same goes for the runners already on base.

2) I am presuming you asking about 'last' or 'open' inning. No new inning can start after 100 minutes from the scheduled start time. So the umpire has to best determine when to call the open inning to ensure that each team gets the opportunity to play it. The umpire will definitely call this is if it is after the 88 minute mark BUT at their discretion he/she may call it earlier based on the pace the game. Regardless of when the open inning ends (before or after the 100 minute mark), the game is over. Also, if a open inning was not called because the previous inning took so long to play and went past the 100 minute mark, unfortunately the open inning will not be played.

3) If a fielder plays a ball in foul territory and the momentum takes him into out of play territory, the ball is dead and runners are awarded one base at the time the fielder left the playing area. If the fielder carries the ball out intentionally, then the runners are awarded two bases.

Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Mon Jun 3, 2013

Thanks Marshall,

I had a couple more questions for you.

What happens if the batter hits the ball and it hits a base runner? Is the runner out?

Secondly, What happens if there's 2 out and a runner on third base and the batter hits a grounder to third and the runner crosses home plate before the batter is called out at first base? Does the run still score because they crossed home before the batters out at first?

Thirdly, I heard there's a max of 7 runs per inning except for the last inning. Is that the same run for the co-ed league?

Thanks so much for your help,

Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Mon Jun 3, 2013


1) The ball hits a base runner - Lots of answers - a) Runner is still on base Let's assume the runner is in fair territory - Runner is safe - i) Ball does not pass an infielder (pitcher excepted) - dead ball - batter advances to first and runners advance if forced. ii) Ball passes an infielder - live ball. b) Runner is off base - i) If the ball has passed an infielder and in the umpire's opinion, no other fielder had a play, the ball is live. ii) If the ball did not pass an infielder, this is where people think it is an automatic out. NO, the same opinion as above. If the umpire believes that no other fielder had a play, live ball. In both situations, it is assumed that the runner hit did not intentionally interfere.

If the ball hit the runner in foul territory, dead ball - foul. No out.

2) If the third out is a result of a force play, regardless of which base, no runs score. Period.

3) 7 runs max per inning except last inning for both men's and coed.


Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Tue Jun 4, 2013

What happens if the ball is caught in foul territory past the fence in left or right the ball out of play because it was caught past the fence? Or is it an out?

Also what happens if its first and second and the batter hits a lazy 6 foot shot to the shortstop who drops the it an infield fly or can the shortstop touch second base and throw it to first for a double play?

Thanks Marshall
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Wed Jun 5, 2013


1) When a ball is caught outside the fence lines, it depends whether the fielder has touched the ground outside the fence line. If he/she has already touched the ground outside the fence line and catches the ball, then the ball is dead. No call. If he/she made a diving catch last touching the playing field and then caught the ball and then landed on the outside of the fence line, then it is an out.

2) Lazy 6 foot hit - not an infield fly. So let's go to the next situation - intentionally dropped fly ball. This occurs whenever there is a runner on first and less than two outs. If an infielder intentionally drops a fly ball including a soft line drive, then the umpire will call 'intentionally dropped fly ball' and the ball now becomes dead and the batter is out. Runners remain in place. This has somewhat the same effect as an infield fly ball to avert a double play but the ball remains alive in this case. So in your scenario, did the fielder intentionally drop the ball? Umpire discretion. If yes, then the above applies. If no, then the fielder can touch second and throw to first for a potential double play. You will see really good players let the ball fall and hit the ground first and then play it for a double play.

Hopes this helps.

Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Mon Jun 17, 2013

What's the home run rule when I batter hits an inside the park home run. Does that officially count as a home run as 2+? Some of the diamonds don't have home run fences.
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013


Inside the park home runs with fences do not count for +2 rule. It must go over the fence untouched.

As for the parks with no fences. There is no +2 rule in effect.

Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Sat Jun 22, 2013

What happens if the ball goes into the gate area at Russel Tilt Park by the home run fences? Is that an automatic double? or does the batter get two extra bases from which bag he was at when the ball landed in the gate area?
Thanks Marshall
Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Sat Jun 22, 2013

Last question Marshall,
I was told by the umpire that a new inning can't start after 1hr 40mins after the game has started. We had a game two weeks ago where we were in the sixth inning and it was about 90mins into the game. The inning lasted about 15 mins..half way through the sixth inning the umpire said last inning. I told him he has to say that at the beginning of the inning, so that we know that it's an open inning. Is he correct?
If the umpire doesn't say last inning at the beginning of the sixth inning does that mean we should play the 7th inning even if it's past the 1hr 40min mark?
Thanks for all the help,
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Last Updated: Sun Jun 23, 2013

I see that the gates do not latch properly. So if the ball goes out or under the gate, it should be a ground rule double. Otherwise, the ball is in play.

Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013

Re: last inning.

See second response at the start of this thread. I hope that clarifies.
Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Mon Jul 29, 2013

How many steps is the picture allowed to take before he crosses the 50ft line?
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013


Officially, only one step may be taken in any direction.

However, in our leagues, many pitchers take two or sometimes three steps. I have allowed this.

BUT I have asked the umps to watch that if the pitchers do take two or more steps that they start well behind the 50 ft line so that they are a maximum of one step in front of the line upon delivery. This is not only to ensure that they are not getting an advantage of being closer but also for safety reasons.


Mike Smith
Posts: 8

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Last Updated: Fri Sep 20, 2013

Is there a force at first from the outfield? For example if the ball is hit in the outfield, can the outfielder try to nail the run out at first base?
Marshall Lee
League Admin
Posts: 13

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Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013

Yes, you can make a play from the outfield to first base.


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